Ayurveda is a rich and multi-faceted science of health, and has Developed the nomenclature and way of organization to coincide with its vast diversity. Whether to understand and speak about the areas of the body, the ailments and causes of illness, or all of the varieties of remedies which these need, ayurvedic medicine isn’t lacking the titles and classification it has to guarantee clarity and accuracy in diagnosis and therapy. Ayurvedic oils and their programs are no exception. They are categorized according to according to their source, their effects, their preparation, and their program, with all these bearing farther sub-classifications. In this guide we will be exploring one of those basic classifications of oils, their consequences, and its principal sub-categories.
First of All, ayurvedic oils are known according to their Main effects upon the body. In general, these are four: smetana, Vishwananda, madrasa, and cleave. Smetana is the title for the wet and glistening look which oils bestow upon the skin. This effect is connected to the pachychilid, or oleaginous, quality of oils, by which they have a tendency to form a coat where administered. This helps to keep the integrity of the human body parts, boosts the excellence of the cells, and increases endurance. Next, Vishwananda, is the effect whereby substances impregnated with petroleum Lose their solid character and start to liquefy. This effect brought on by the Drava and Sara qualities of petroleum, which would be the liquid and flowing qualities respectively.
These qualities moisten the body and dissolve chemicals, helping the oil and medicine to propagate quickly and thoroughly throughout the body. This helps mobilize the deranged dosha from it stagnate place to its place of removal. The following result for which abhyangam are used is known as madrasa. This refers to the softness that is imparted into the body by the oils that are administered. The oilsmriduguna, or softening quality, is responsible for this result. The softness imparted into the body by oil helps to relax tense tissues and dilate constricted channels. This also helps ama, accumulated toxins, and the vitiated doshas to move more freely towards their eventual expulsion from the body.